- When I brought this point up to nick he noted that the same could be said about sex .
- 当我对尼克说起这一点时,他指出性也是如此。
- Point up point down and show us five .
- 向指上,向指下,出示五。
- Lets you specify whether the horizontal curly brace should point up or down .
- 允许你指定水平花括号是向上还是向下的。
- Make sure you are holding the stem so that the buds point up and outwards .
- 让你拥有干起来,使芽点不远。
- But these incidents do point up a larger problem for google in china one that persists even after its license renewal .
- 但这些事情确实突出了谷歌在中国一个更大的问题,即使是在执照续期过后,这个问题仍然存在。
- These changes point up the fact that the withdrawal of the franchise is often a hangover of history rather than a carefully thought out sanction .
- 这些变化清晰的表明了这样一个事实,撤销选举权是一个历史遗留问题,而不只是一份深思熟虑的判决。
- News of the deal sent bofa 's shares sharply higher at one point up 25 per cent before falling back to a 9 per cent rise at the end of the day 's trading .
- 这宗交易的消息推动美国银行股价大幅上涨,涨幅一度达到25%,之后股价出现回落,收盘涨幅为9%。
- But you still need to recognize it as debt and pay it off at some point by cleaning up the hairy code or redesigning that so-so page .
- 但还是应该认识到它是债务并在某个时候通过清理可怕的编码和重新设计差强人意的页面的方式偿还。
- We were on the point of giving up when the captain appeared .
- 我们正要放弃时船长出现了。
- Forget it . What 's the point in digging up the past ?
- 得了吧,老是回忆过去有什么意义?